Record n Play

buzztouch plugin: Record n Play
Version: v1.2
Record n Play is a simple voice recorder and playback screen for iPhone and iPad. Record and play sound in your app! See for more.
works on iOS iOS
Developer Info
Latest Review
Pointeraquila198 | 03/30/14 (v1.2)
adding a recording feature to your app - very cool!
More Information
Record n Play is a simple voice recorder and playback screen - record and play
sound from your iPhone or iPad.

Additionally, Record n Play uses XIB files, so you can design and move on-screen
elements (like the buttons) using Interface Builder (in Xcode). This allows you
to easily make it more unique.

Control panel modifications like background colors and images still work
with XIB if needed.

See for more plugins and goodies!

iOS Project
AppDelegate.h and m (source code)
Record_n_play.h and m (source code)
Record_n_play.xib (allow modification of design)

All files are required.

Android Project
This plugin does support android!

{"itemId":"11111", "itemType":"Record_n_play", "itemNickname":"Record",
"navBarTitleText":"Record Audio", "backgroundColor":"#C0C0C0",