Password Splash

buzztouch plugin: Password Splash
Version: v1.3
This splash screen will not dissappear until a secret password is entered. This type of splash screen is used to protect an app from people that accidentally install it or install it without your permission.
works on iOS iOS
works on Android Android
Developer Info
Latest Review
PointerEd Goodall | 01/07/13 (v1.0)
this is a great plugin! I use if for a school journal app so nobody but students can access it, works perfectly!
More Information
This type of splash screen is used to protect an app's content from people that accidentally
install it or install it without your permission. It's simple by design.

Everyone uses the same password. It can be changed in the control panel. You can....

~     Set any password you want. Most are simple.
~      Adjust whether the password is remembered on the device or not (password everytime?)
~     Set the label above the password box. Ex: Password, Customer Number, Account Number
~     Set the message to show when the user enters an invalid password. Ex: Invalid Password, Try Again
~     Set the position of the form. Balance the forms position on top of the background image.
~     Set the transition type used when the user enters a valid password (or if it's remembered)
~     Set the text colors and background image for the button and labels.
~     Set the standard background image and color as used on other buzztouch screen types.

iOS Project
4 Files required.
Password_splash.h, .m
Password_splash.xib, Password_splash~ipad.xib
A default image is also included for the button (ps_submit.png)

Android Project
2 Files required.
A default image is also included for the button (ps_submit.png)

{"itemId":"1111", "itemType":"Password_splash",
     "itemNickname":"Password Splash",
     "formXSmallDevice":"20", "formYSmallDevice":"20",
"formXLargeDevice":"20", "formYLargeDevice":"20",
"secretPassword":"knock knock",
"secretPasswordWarning":"You entered the wrong password, please try again.",
"passwordLabel":"Secret Code",