Pic Gallery

buzztouch plugin: Pic Gallery
Version: v1.5
Pic Gallery, android plugin, allows you to view images from urls or from your flickr photoset.Users have ability to save,share, and set to wallpaper.Also add admob from the control panel!
works on Android Android
Developer Info
Latest Review
Pointerrburns50 | 01/18/15 (v1.4)
Excellent plugin - brings to Android what has been missing, an easy to implement Pic gallery. I'm using image URLS for my implementation, works like a charm in either gallery or grid view modes - love it. Superb support as always from Chris - 5th s...
More Information
Pic Gallery android plugin allows you to view images from urls or from your flickr photoset. Images can be displayed in Gallery or Grid view
If you dont add any image urls, the plugin will then look for your flickr photo set.
There are options for users to save,share or set as wallpaper. There is also the option to add admob from the control panel, so make sure to add google play services as usual.
Contact me for free help if needed!

Add this line in AndroidManifest.xml with the other permissions if you want the set wallpaper function to work:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER"/>

iOS Project
No iOS version

Android Project

Version History
1.0 - initial release
1.1 - added grid view option
1.2 - added instructions link in control panel
1.3 - (child item)pics from control panel load when new pics are added in control panel and app is refreshed.
1.4 - fixed all images showing on different "Pic Gallery" screens
1.5 - rewrote code with added features of share,save,and set as wallpaper
"itemId": "E26A8B07ABE672B1658C7E4",
"itemType": "CM_picGallery",
"itemNickname": "pic gallery",
"navBarTitleText": "pic gallery",
"photoType": "0",
"flickrUrl”: "your_flickr_url"