Email Image

buzztouch plugin: Email Image
Version: v2.0
This plugin allows app users to email an image. You can set an optional email to-address or subject-line to make it easier to gather photos from users. Uses can email an existing image from their gallery or snap a new one.
works on iOS iOS
works on Android Android
Developer Info
Latest Review
Pointerfarcat | 05/03/14 (v1.3)
Another great plugin :)
More Information
This plugin allows app users to email an image. You can set an optional
email to-address or subject-line to make it easier to gather photos from
users. Users can email an existing image from their gallery or snap a new one.

Many online photo storage services (Flickr, Photobucket, etc) provide a unique
email address for albums. Asking app users to send photos to these email
addresses (that you pre-configure in the plugin) is a great way to gather
photos without using a complicated upload script approach or customized backends.

iOS Project
3 Required files.
Email_image.h, .m, emailerpickimage.png
There is no .XIB (Interface Builder) file for this plugin. The Email_image.m file
creates the image view and options for selecting or taking a new photo to email.

Android Project
3 Required files., emailerpickimage.png, screen_email.image.xml. The XML layout files
sets up an ImageView widget to hold the selected (or newly taken) image before the
user sends it in an email.

{"itemId":"111111", "itemType":"Email_image", "itemNickname":"Email Image",
"navBarTitleText":"Send us a pic", "emailToAddress":"[email protected]",
"emailSubject":"My cool image"}