Pop Up Webview

buzztouch plugin: Pop Up Webview
Version: v1.0
This plugin is incredibly similar to Buzztouch's Custom URL plugin. the difference is that instead of being displayed in a screen it pops up in it’s own browser, similar to an alert view or social plugin.
works on iOS iOS
Developer Info
Latest Review
PointerNCbuzz | 04/12/14 (v1.0)
Works great with your HTML files to deliver a Webview that does not take over the screen. With a little tweaking you can have smaller popup views on top of your current screen to deliv custom content. Top notch support! And well worth the price.
More Information
This plugin is incredibly similar to Buzztouch's Custom URL plugin.
the difference is that instead of being displayed in a screen it pops up similar to an alert view or social plugin.
This plugin enable you to quickly add a Facebook or Twitter page that your users can quickly "follow" or "like".
Works best with mobile enable websites as it resizes well.
You could create an Alertview that shows a video or a web animation.
You can control whether to display the control back buttons.
There is a small "x" to exit or the outside edges can be tapped to close.
It responds well to rotations.

Forked from a Github repository and heavily edited to give the true Buzztouch experience.

This displays web content provided by a URL. Webpages load in a pop up browser
and refresh each time intentionally. Content is not available if the device is offline.
Use the advanced settings (document behavior) to customize how the built-in browser

If you load webpages that you didn't author you will likely not get the results you're
looking for. In the case of Apple's App Store, you're app will get rejected
if it's nothing more than a bunch of webpages attached to menu's and buttons. Design your
content for mobile, use screens that make content available offline, add some style. This
type of plugin is useful in lots of circumstances but it's never a good idea to overuse
web-content that doesn't offer end-users benefits beyond what their built in browser's
already do.

iOS Project
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Android Project
Not ready Yet

Most folks use the control panel to configure the JSON data for this plugin but it's useful to
see what it may look like.
"itemId": "8C306DBFC5EC86E2FB8D363",
"itemType": "AK_popUpWebview",
"itemNickname": "Hello",
"dataURL": "http://www.facebook.com",
"showBrowserButtons": "0",
"allowPullToRefresh": "1",
"dataDetectorType": "1",
"preventUserInteraction": "0",
"preventAllScrolling": "0",
"hideVerticalScrollBar": "0",
"hideHorizontalScrollBar": "1",
"preventScrollBounce": "0",
"fadedBackgroundColor": "#000000",
"borderColor": "#0099FF",
"webBackgroundColor": "#0033FF",
"buttonColor": "#00CCFF",
"transitionShow": "0"