TabBar Configuration

buzztouch plugin: TabBar Configuration
Version: v1.2
Tabbar configuration plugin allows your users to customize their own tabbed layout using a drag N Drop functionality.
works on iOS iOS
works on Android Android
Developer Info
Latest Review
PointerBecky | 01/14/15 (v1.1)
Fantastic plugin, works beautifully!
More Information
This plugin allows your users to customize/organize their tab bar layout to their preference using a drag and drop functionality. On iOS the 5th tab will automatically become the “More” tab with a list view layout to include an icon next to each menu item.

This provides your app users a friendly user experience as it puts them in the driver seat to what they want to see.

Version History
1.1: initial release
1.2: Added Android support. Also added the ability to “Hide” a specific menu item from the edit mode for iOS so users won’t be able to rearrange a specific tab that is set to “Hidden” in the child properties. This functionality works great for something like “Send feedback”, share app, whatever you can think of that you don’t want the user to be able to rearrange.

iOS Instructions
1. Set the tab bar configuration to the first tab in the Layout section of your control panel.
2. Now proceed to the tab bar plugin screen - you want to set the first tab you want displayed in your app as the “Home Screen”
3. Now in the Menu Items sections, you want to set up at least 3 others tabs for this plugin to work…you can have any number of screens after you hit the minimum 4 that are required. The first 3 screens that you set up in the Menu Items section will be displayed as the default tabs. Any other screens added thereafter will automatically appear in the “More” Tab.

Note: There is a default icon provided for each screen, to over ride this icon, just click on the menu item and type in the icon name file you want to use as the tab bar icon.

See video for a quick demonstration.


This code has been heavily modified to be compatible with Buzztouch 3.0 from the iOS7 Cook book which can be found on Github.

Supports iPhone and iPad/ iOS6 and up and Android devices

iOS Project
[email protected]

Android Project - Only works in Eclipse; working on porting over to Android Studio

"itemId": "D7489D23258CA5DDB6ED610",
"itemType": "CWH_tabBarConfig",
"itemNickname": "Tab bar Config",
"homeScreenNickname": “Twitter”,
"homeScreenId": "85A4866C6BC9A5287507265",