Action Sheet Menu

buzztouch plugin: Action Sheet Menu
Version: v1.2
This Plugin uses the native Action Sheet functionality in iOS to create a slide-up menu. You can configure the Title, Button Labels, Destructive Button, and Load Screen.
works on iOS iOS
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More Information
The Action Sheet Menu plugin allows the developer to use the native iOS UIActionSheet within their app. Customize the Destructive Button, Cancel Button, other buttons, load screens, and titles. For best results, use the "fade" transition when loading this plugin.

Version History:
v1.0-Initial Release of Plugin
v1.1-Fixed problem loading screens on BT3.0 Core
     -Fixed typos in the control panel
v1.2-Compatibility with BT4.0 and iOS 10

iOS Project

Android Project
This plugin is not compatible with Android.

"itemId": "11223344",
"itemType": "JC_ActionSheet",
"itemNickname": "Action Sheet Menu",
"actionSheetTitle": "Title",
"actionSheetCancelButtonTitle": "Cancel",
"button1Title": "Button 1",
"button1Id": "987654321",
"button2Title": "Button 2",
"button2Id": "123456789",
"button3Title": "Button 3",
"button4Title": "Button 4",
"button4Id": "132435465",
"actionSheetDestructiveButtonTitle": "Destructive Button",
"destructiveButtonId": "76879801"