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Code is Art
Posts: 10
Reg: Dec 04, 2015
04/18/16 12:11 PM (8 years ago)

New install and updates

I've just installed BT_Server v3.0 on my server which I downloaded from my Buzztouch control panel. After installing, I checked 'system maintenance' to see if there was any updated files, and was presented with this message... This software needs to be updated Your server is running v2.1.9 and the most current version available is v3.0.0 The .zip I downloaded was definitely v3.0.0 and not v2.1.9 but it seems the .zip contains a set of old files. Is there anyone here who can give me a copy of the most recent v3 files? Thanks meantime. Mick
Red Dog
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 805
Reg: Jun 16, 2011
Southern Califo...
04/18/16 12:23 PM (8 years ago)
Hi Intro2, and welcome. You definitely have v3.0 Open BT-server/config.php and edit line 72 manually to 3.0.0. A minor bug that never was fixed.
Code is Art
Posts: 10
Reg: Dec 04, 2015
04/18/16 12:32 PM (8 years ago)
Thanks, Red Dog. Editing the config.php done the trick!

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