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Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
02/16/15 02:23 PM (9 years ago)

Android Parse crashes app

I installed Android Parse PN the way CMCOFFEE explained in https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=24B222FDACC36FD7079DE4B. I came to the end without errors, and test on Parse is good too (Congratulations etc......). When I send PN to device, it crashes. Anybody has solution?
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
02/16/15 02:40 PM (9 years ago)
Any little thing you missed or added can cause it to crash. Before you start looking "clean" your project, then run it again. I need to make a better official guide. It is pretty confusing. Also did you add the receiver class and change your manifest to work with parse? Oh yeah paste the LogCat of the app when it crashes . That will help figure it out faster
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
02/16/15 02:52 PM (9 years ago)
Hey Chris, In the guide you've created, I see that you add more than one line of code to the Android app. But in the guide that Parse produces, they only add a single line of code: public void onCreate() { Parse.initialize(this, "xxx", "xxx"); } Did I miss something somewhere? This is in addition to all the manifest changes you have to make. Also...when I send a push message, it says it sends it, but then shows a zero for messages sent. Any thoughts on that? I do have a device registered, so it appears that part is working. Thanks! Mark
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Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
02/16/15 03:04 PM (9 years ago)
My steps: 1. parse.jar and bolts.jar in libs folder 2. in AppName_appDelegate.java I added this script: /* ********************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************* BT_activity_root loads here. It's the starting activity (see AndroidManifest.xml) ********************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************* */ Parse.initialize(this, "YourAppID", YourClientID"); ParsePush.subscribeInBackground("", new SaveCallback() { @Override public void done(com.parse.ParseException arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }); ParseInstallation.getCurrentInstallation().saveInBackground(); PushService.setDefaultPushCallback(this, BT_activity_host.class); } //onLowMemory... 3. insterted: import com.parse.Parse; import com.parse.ParseException; import com.parse.ParseInstallation; import com.parse.ParsePush; import com.parse.PushService; import com.parse.SaveCallback; 4. Bt_activity_host.java,added under configure environment : ParseInstallation.getCurrentInstallation().saveInBackground(); PushService.setDefaultPushCallback(this, BT_activity_host.class); 5. also imported: import com.parse.Parse; import com.parse.ParseInstallation; import com.parse.ParsePush; import com.parse.PushService; import com.parse.SaveCallback; 6. Receiver.java in src>myApp, changed name of app in that file 7. Added o manifest: <service android:name="com.parse.PushService" /> <receiver android:name="com.parse.ParseBroadcastReceiver"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" /> <action android:name="android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT" /> </intent-filter> </receiver> <receiver android:name="com.yourAppName.Receiver" android:exported="false"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="com.parse.push.intent.RECEIVE" /> <action android:name="com.parse.push.intent.DELETE" /> <action android:name="com.parse.push.intent.OPEN" /> </intent-filter> </receiver> <receiver android:name="com.parse.GcmBroadcastReceiver" android:permission="com.google.android.c2dm.permission.SEND"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RECEIVE" /> <action android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.intent.REGISTRATION" /> <!-- IMPORTANT: Change "com.parse.starter" to match your app's package name. --> <category android:name="com.yourAppName" /> </intent-filter> </receiver> 8. Changed name of app in this script These are pretty simple steps, did I do something wrong?
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
02/16/15 03:13 PM (9 years ago)
That's pretty much my question as well...did I do something wrong? The Android Quick-Start guide doesn't say anything about these lines: @Override public void done(com.parse.ParseException arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }); ParseInstallation.getCurrentInstallation().saveInBackground(); PushService.setDefaultPushCallback(this, BT_activity_host.class); } Do I need them? Mark
Android Fan
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Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
02/16/15 04:08 PM (9 years ago)
@Mark, yes you dont need PushService.setDefaultPushCallback(this, BT_activity_host.class); .its deprecated now but doesnt hurt if you still use it. Yes theres some stuff you have to add like the receiver class, etc along with the quick start guide for it to work with android.With iOS you just follow the guide. the done method is from the docs that I added. I noticed I added that twice which isnt needed. Just the first one is needed. And you dont need this statement: PushService.setDefaultPushCallback(this, BT_activity_host.class); Heres there other android doc for push messages that helped me understand it better: https://parse.com/tutorials/android-push-notifications in the method but wont hurt. Im not sure why it says "0 messages sent" in parse control panel @Miku, I would need to see your logCat errors to see why its crashing and/or your actual code. You can create a quick app in parse and use the ids from there before posting your code.Or you can send your project and I can see whats wrong.you can create a new simple project and add code if you dont want to send original. also I noticed parse doesnt work with some of my old android devices as well. I was using the emulator from bluestacks.com to test parse before. so parse reaches a little more devices than just using gcm for push,such as kindles,some cheap devices,etc. you can use both together
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Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
02/17/15 12:54 AM (9 years ago)
I send you project. Since I use CP stream plugin in this project is it possible to add AdMob to this plugin?
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
02/17/15 09:23 AM (9 years ago)
Yes it is possible to add admob to any plugin. I'll Check when I get off.I'm happy to help anyone else also
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Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
02/18/15 11:49 AM (9 years ago)
<receiver android:name="com.yourAppName.Receiver" android:exported="false"> Miku, you forgot to change your app name in manifest on the line above. I did that and got no errors and push worked fine.It did take like ten minutes before it would actually receive message even though it said it registered device on parse control panel
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
02/18/15 12:02 PM (9 years ago)
ok i see it crashes when push is sent.Ill readd the code and see whats missing or new.I couldn't get debug mode to run on my phone. I think this happened after I did the software update.after I fix that I'll test the version you sent before re doing it
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Austria, Klagen...
02/19/15 11:04 AM (9 years ago)
Following.... Any Results?
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
02/19/15 11:29 AM (9 years ago)
I havent tried anything yet but I promise I will tonight.debug mode doesnt show up after my update on my new android.I wasted alot of time trying to fix that with no luck.Reinstalled drivers etc.I might root or restore my phone back to factory settings. Ill try on the emulator so I can read logcat tonight before I redo the code.
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
02/19/15 06:28 PM (9 years ago)
Miku, how did you add the jar files? I deleted them and re added them just by copying and pasting the jar files in the libs folder. You can also drag and drop them into the libs folder.make sure to do a Project > clean after that. Now it doesnt crash when message is sent.The logcat showed this error when crashing which gave me the idea: 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): Failed to run command. 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): com.parse.ParseException: at least one ID field (installationId,deviceToken) must be specified in this operation 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at com.parse.ParseCommand.onPostExecute(ParseCommand.java:412) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at com.parse.ParseRequest$5.then(ParseRequest.java:342) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at com.parse.ParseRequest$5.then(ParseRequest.java:339) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$10.run(Task.java:486) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.BoltsExecutors$ImmediateExecutor.execute(BoltsExecutors.java:97) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.completeAfterTask(Task.java:482) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.continueWithTask(Task.java:358) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.continueWithTask(Task.java:369) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$8.then(Task.java:415) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$8.then(Task.java:407) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$10.run(Task.java:486) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.BoltsExecutors$ImmediateExecutor.execute(BoltsExecutors.java:97) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.completeAfterTask(Task.java:482) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.access$200(Task.java:27) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$6.then(Task.java:351) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$6.then(Task.java:348) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.runContinuations(Task.java:515) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.access$600(Task.java:27) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$TaskCompletionSource.trySetResult(Task.java:570) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$TaskCompletionSource.setResult(Task.java:604) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$10$1.then(Task.java:498) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$10$1.then(Task.java:490) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$9.run(Task.java:453) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.BoltsExecutors$ImmediateExecutor.execute(BoltsExecutors.java:97) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.completeImmediately(Task.java:449) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.access$100(Task.java:27) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$5.then(Task.java:316) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$5.then(Task.java:313) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.runContinuations(Task.java:515) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.access$600(Task.java:27) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$TaskCompletionSource.trySetResult(Task.java:570) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$TaskCompletionSource.setResult(Task.java:604) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$10$1.then(Task.java:498) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$10$1.then(Task.java:490) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$9.run(Task.java:453) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.BoltsExecutors$ImmediateExecutor.execute(BoltsExecutors.java:97) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.completeImmediately(Task.java:449) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.access$100(Task.java:27) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$5.then(Task.java:316) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$5.then(Task.java:313) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.runContinuations(Task.java:515) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.access$600(Task.java:27) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$TaskCompletionSource.trySetResult(Task.java:570) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$TaskCompletionSource.setResult(Task.java:604) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$10$1.then(Task.java:498) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$10$1.then(Task.java:490) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$9.run(Task.java:453) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.BoltsExecutors$ImmediateExecutor.execute(BoltsExecutors.java:97) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.completeImmediately(Task.java:449) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.continueWith(Task.java:323) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.continueWith(Task.java:334) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$10.run(Task.java:490) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.BoltsExecutors$ImmediateExecutor.execute(BoltsExecutors.java:97) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.completeAfterTask(Task.java:482) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.access$200(Task.java:27) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$6.then(Task.java:351) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$6.then(Task.java:348) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.runContinuations(Task.java:515) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.access$600(Task.java:27) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$TaskCompletionSource.trySetResult(Task.java:570) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$TaskCompletionSource.setResult(Task.java:604) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$10$1.then(Task.java:498) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$10$1.then(Task.java:490) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$9.run(Task.java:453) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.BoltsExecutors$ImmediateExecutor.execute(BoltsExecutors.java:97) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.completeImmediately(Task.java:449) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.continueWith(Task.java:323) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task.continueWith(Task.java:334) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at bolts.Task$10.run(Task.java:490) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587) 02-19 18:41:42.839: E/ParseCommandCache(3907): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841) I did notice that it crashed when playing music and you clicked on the now playing icon notification.to stop it from crashing open Cp_streamservice.java and go to line 415 that has this line: Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(mPlayerService, Cp_stream.class); change it to this Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(mPlayerService, BT_activity_host.class);
Aspiring developer
Posts: 405
Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
02/20/15 03:48 AM (9 years ago)
Parse crashes ALL variations of app, I tried many of them: 1. I tried with new test app from scratch: only 1 customHTML screen. When I click on Parse Quick start TEST, test works (congratulation, etc..), but crashes app immediately. 2. I created new Parse APP (on Parse Dashboard), crashes again. 3. I created new test app with Android Studio on Windows platform: same result. 4. Then I added (from Quick start Parse) in Android studio: Also add the permissions below, typically immediately before the opening <application> tag: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" /> <uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE" /> <!-- IMPORTANT: Change "com.parse.starter.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" in the lines below to match your app's package name + ".permission.C2D_MESSAGE". --> <permission android:protectionLevel="signature" android:name="com.parse.starter.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" /> <uses-permission android:name="com.parse.starter.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" /> Change the android:name attribute in the last two lines of the snippet above to match your application's package name. 5. I changed application's package names in last 2 lines and later by creating apk, got error: "ERROR: Permission name C2D_MESSAGE is not unique...". I am sending you PM both projects.
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
02/20/15 07:05 AM (9 years ago)
Post your LogCat so we can see why it's crashing
Aspiring developer
Posts: 405
Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
02/21/15 12:45 AM (9 years ago)
Do I have to root my tablet to see log cat, or is any simpler way?
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
02/21/15 07:28 AM (9 years ago)
No just go to settings on your Android device and turn on debug mode and hook up your phone and run the app like usual
Aspiring developer
Posts: 405
Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
02/22/15 11:50 PM (9 years ago)
Here is the complete file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k3e0bk5qjzthvwm/bugreport.txt?dl=0 I hope you will find what's wrong.
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
02/23/15 06:18 AM (9 years ago)
Think you did the device generated report instead of logcat http://www.codelearn.org/android-tutorial/android-log
Aspiring developer
Posts: 405
Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
02/23/15 08:21 AM (9 years ago)
"No just go to settings on your Android device and turn on debug mode and hook up your phone and run the app like usual". I just did that, and this file is result. I also tried to understand your link above (codelearn) but looks to faraway. Any other option?
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
02/23/15 09:22 AM (9 years ago)
How did you get the txt file you posted? If you gto it from eclipse or android studio then you got the logcat. If you clicked take bug report on your phone, that's something different. Just the follow the first two steps in that link to go to logcat and then run your app.you will see red text in the logcat.highlight all the red text and press the save icon in LogCat view.that save the report of your device crashing.this is the easiest way I know of. There might actually be some apps on play store that you can do it better.Nad and ronbo have posted some online tools too last week.sorry I've been too busy to actually download txt file or anything.I work seven days a week it's kinda.I'll post some more when I get time. Try that again though
Aspiring developer
Posts: 405
Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
02/23/15 10:40 AM (9 years ago)
This is what I get in red: 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): Failed to run command. 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): com.parse.ParseException: at least one ID field (installationId,deviceToken) must be specified in this operation 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at com.parse.ParseCommand.onPostExecute(ParseCommand.java:412) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at com.parse.ParseRequest$5.then(ParseRequest.java:342) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at com.parse.ParseRequest$5.then(ParseRequest.java:339) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$10.run(Task.java:486) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.BoltsExecutors$ImmediateExecutor.execute(BoltsExecutors.java:97) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.completeAfterTask(Task.java:482) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.continueWithTask(Task.java:358) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.continueWithTask(Task.java:369) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$8.then(Task.java:415) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$8.then(Task.java:407) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$10.run(Task.java:486) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.BoltsExecutors$ImmediateExecutor.execute(BoltsExecutors.java:97) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.completeAfterTask(Task.java:482) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.access$200(Task.java:27) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$6.then(Task.java:351) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$6.then(Task.java:348) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.runContinuations(Task.java:515) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.access$600(Task.java:27) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$TaskCompletionSource.trySetResult(Task.java:570) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$TaskCompletionSource.setResult(Task.java:604) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$10$1.then(Task.java:498) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$10$1.then(Task.java:490) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$9.run(Task.java:453) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.BoltsExecutors$ImmediateExecutor.execute(BoltsExecutors.java:97) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.completeImmediately(Task.java:449) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.access$100(Task.java:27) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$5.then(Task.java:316) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$5.then(Task.java:313) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.runContinuations(Task.java:515) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.access$600(Task.java:27) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$TaskCompletionSource.trySetResult(Task.java:570) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$TaskCompletionSource.setResult(Task.java:604) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$10$1.then(Task.java:498) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$10$1.then(Task.java:490) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$9.run(Task.java:453) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.BoltsExecutors$ImmediateExecutor.execute(BoltsExecutors.java:97) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.completeImmediately(Task.java:449) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.access$100(Task.java:27) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$5.then(Task.java:316) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$5.then(Task.java:313) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.runContinuations(Task.java:515) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.access$600(Task.java:27) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$TaskCompletionSource.trySetResult(Task.java:570) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$TaskCompletionSource.setResult(Task.java:604) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$10$1.then(Task.java:498) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$10$1.then(Task.java:490) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$9.run(Task.java:453) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.BoltsExecutors$ImmediateExecutor.execute(BoltsExecutors.java:97) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.completeImmediately(Task.java:449) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.continueWith(Task.java:323) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.continueWith(Task.java:334) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$10.run(Task.java:490) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.BoltsExecutors$ImmediateExecutor.execute(BoltsExecutors.java:97) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.completeAfterTask(Task.java:482) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.access$200(Task.java:27) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$6.then(Task.java:351) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$6.then(Task.java:348) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.runContinuations(Task.java:515) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.access$600(Task.java:27) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$TaskCompletionSource.trySetResult(Task.java:570) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$TaskCompletionSource.setResult(Task.java:604) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$10$1.then(Task.java:498) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$10$1.then(Task.java:490) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$9.run(Task.java:453) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.BoltsExecutors$ImmediateExecutor.execute(BoltsExecutors.java:97) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.completeImmediately(Task.java:449) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.continueWith(Task.java:323) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task.continueWith(Task.java:334) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at bolts.Task$10.run(Task.java:490) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587) 02-23 12:23:33.650: E/ParseCommandCache(877): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
02/23/15 12:22 PM (9 years ago)
Cool that's the same error as mune.all I did was delete the jar files from the libs folder and copy and paste them back into the libs folder. How did you add the jar files?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 405
Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
02/23/15 12:47 PM (9 years ago)
I added them first in ADT and then in Finder too. Both in ADT and Android Studio.
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
02/23/15 12:58 PM (9 years ago)
Did you copy and paste them in libs folder?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 405
Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
02/23/15 02:08 PM (9 years ago)
I copied and paste it direct from unzipped Parse directory to libs folder with Finder.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 405
Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
03/02/15 11:05 AM (9 years ago)
Any news about any kind of Android push notifications? Does any of them works? BT and Parse do not for me.
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
03/02/15 11:54 AM (9 years ago)
What doesn't work on parse? I'll send you the finished project of yours where it's working
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
03/02/15 12:13 PM (9 years ago)
Make sure to clean the projec.project> clean
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
03/15/15 08:43 AM (9 years ago)
Parse works flawlessly on new bt android studio package, just by following parse online instructions. No extra steps needed. Just take out one of the receivers in the manifest
Aspiring developer
Posts: 405
Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
03/16/15 03:57 AM (9 years ago)
I will have to wait for self-hosted Android Studio package, than I'll let you know.

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