Share Menu

buzztouch plugin: Share Menu
Version: v2.6
The ShareMenu plugin brings the native iOS Sharing Menu to your app. Share with Mail, Messages, Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, Pasteboard, Print, Camera Roll, and Assign to Contact. URLs, Images and Documents can be attached.
works on iOS iOS
Developer Info
Latest Review
PointerAppOne | 09/18/15 (v2.4)
Great support!
More Information
The ShareMenu plugin brings the native iOS Sharing Menu to your app. Choose to share with Mail, Messages, Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, Copy to the Pasteboard, Print, Save to the Camera Roll, and Assign to Contact. It also includes options for including URLs and Images. The navigation bar color can be changed after the launch of the ShareMenu. Social Network character and image requirements are listed. This plugin works best when using the "fade" transition.

iOS Version Compatibility Information: The user interface of this plugin is compatible with iOS 6, iOS 7, and iOS 8. This plugin can be compiled on devices running iOS 5 and below. In this legacy operating system scenario, the plugin will display an alert, it will not crash.

Version History:
v1.0-Initial Release of Plugin
v1.1-Updated Plugin Description
v2.0-Updated for BT3.0 Core and Control Panel
--Attach .txt and .pdf Documents to the ShareMenu
--New Error Handling for images and documents
--Fixed display issues with tabbed apps
v2.1-Fixed Compiler Error with BT2.0 Projects
--Adds Document Attachment option to BT2.0 Projects
--Fixed Control Panel Typos
v2.2-Updated for iOS 8
v2.3-Fixed bugs on iPads running iOS 8
v2.4-Fixed display problems and screen transition issues on iOS 8, added new screenshots
v2.5-Fixed URL saving bug
v2.6-Compatibility with BT4.0 and iOS 10

iOS Project

Android Project
This plugin is not compatible with Android.

"itemNickname":"Share Controller",
"shareMail":"1", "shareMessage":"1",