App Rater

buzztouch plugin: App Rater
Version: v1.2
The App Rater helps app owners intercept negative ratings by launching an email compose sheet when the negative rating button is pressed. Positive ratings go to app store.
works on iOS iOS
works on Android Android
Developer Info
Latest Review
Pointerrburns50 | 05/22/14 (v1.2)
Great plugin - I was however having issues the emailToAddress not populating no matter what I configured or tried out (Android) and various email clients. My resolve - edit the in Eclipse: 1. find the handle button clicks section; pu...
More Information
The App Rater helps app owners intercept negative ratings by launching an email compose
sheet when the negative rating button is pressed. Positive ratings go to app store as expected.

This plugin overcomes some common problems with App Store rating systems.
--Negative ratings are sometimes provided when a message to the developer is more appropriate.
--Negative ratings (feedback) is annonymous and app owners cannot contact app raters to learn more.

This plugin is not designed to prevent negative ratings. It's designed to help an app user
send the app owner a message rather than resorting to posting a negative rating simply to get
the app owners attention. Not everyone wants to give a negative rating but some people think
that is the only way to contact the developer.

Files for Android:
The plugin contains two files.
2. screen_app_rater.xml

Files for iOs:
The plugin contains two files.
1. App_rater.h
2. App_rater.m

JSON Data:
{"itemId":"11111", "itemType":"App_rater", "itemNickname":"Rate our App",
     "navBarTitleText":"Rate our App", "buttonLikeText":"Like", "buttonDislikeText":"Dislike",
     "buttonLaterText":"Not ready to rate"}