Discussion Forums

Earn points by participating in the forums, creating how to's, and learning at buzztouch U™.
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Forum Rules

Understand the Basics

The best way to get help is to first take some time to try understand what Buzztouch is all about. The idea is that you try to get a basic understanding of how Buzztouch works before asking questions. Rookies, newbies, designers, programmers, developers, ninja's, and teachers are all welcome as long as these guidelines are followed:

Do not put another person's screen name in the topic title

Don't include user screen names in topic titles like "David, help!" or "@GoNorthWest, where are you?" This isn't appropriate for a few reasons, mostly because it's just plain tacky. If you need to contact another user, use the Direct Message link in their profile. If this is disabled, the user doesn't want direct messages.

Do not put EMERGENCY or URGENT or IMPORTANT in the topic title

If you beg for help, you probably won't get it. Other users understand that your question is important, adding "emergency" in the title tends to move you to the bottom of the list. Really, it does.

Review the FAQ's

Please don't repeat questions answered in the frequently asked questions. If you're asking for help from another user, the least you can do is review the faq's first.

Be Specific

Always include these things when asking a question: iOS or Android. Mac or PC. Is the app in the the App Store or the Android Market or is it still in development. Then, be sure to include details along with your question.

Be Nice

Don't post hurtful or rude comments... it ruins it for everyone. We have a zero tolerance policy about this. If you're mean, hurtful, rude, or simply no fun to around, you'll be banned from the forum.

Be Open

Disguising your magic-app-idea is almost never worth it. If someone is trying to help you, and they ask about the nature of your project, be as transparent as possible. It's tough to be helpful if you don't understand the problem.

Be Patient

Most questions are answered very quickly. However, if you don't get a response, don't double-post. All questions are answered eventually.

Be Realistic

Lots of folks will help you if you're trying to work out your difficulties to the best of your ability. However, if you expect somebody to "do your work" you've come to the wrong place.

Be Helpful

Don't be anxious about posting a comment. All comments are useful and it doesn't take long to realize that the more helpful you are, the more help you'll get.

Have Fun

If you find yourself pounding your fists in frustrations, you're not alone. Making mobile software can be very tough sometimes. However, your anger, attitude, and about-to-give-up perspective is not welcome in the forum.