v1.5 Documentation

These reference documents are designed to help you when things don't go as planned. The individual screen type documents are useful for looking up available JSON properties.

Content Screens
Settings Screens
Splash Screens
Other Actions
Right Side Navigation Bar Buttons
Navigation bars may or may not have a button on the right side. If a right-side navigtion bar button is configured, the mobile application needs to know three things in order to work.
  1. What type of button to display. The type meaning what it looks like, not what it does.
  2. What screen to load when the button is tapped. The screen can be identified using it's unique itemId, it's unique nickname, or it can be a JSON screen object.
  3. What type of transition to use when the screen loads.
Right Button Type: The button type is the type of button to display. This has nothing to do with what screen loads when the button is pressed. Set the "navBarRightButtonType" to the type of button to show. The available button types are: home, next, infoLight, infoDark, details, done, cancel, save, add, addBlue, compose, reply, action, organize, bookmark, search, refresh, camera, trash, play, pause, stop, rewind, fastForward.
Right Button Load Screen: The screen that loads when the button is tapped can be configured in three different ways. Here's how it works:
  • If a "navBarRightButtonTapLoadScreenItemId" is used the screen from the app's list of screens with this id will load.
  • ELSE
  • If a "navBarRightButtonTapLoadScreenNickname" is used the screen from the app's list of screens with this nickname will load.
  • ELSE
  • If a "navBarRightButtonTapLoadScreenObject" is used, the JSON screen object that is provided will load.
Right Button Transition Type: The type of transition to use is set using the "navBarRightButtonTapTransitionType" property. This is what tells the mobile app how to transition the next screen. Leave this blank to use the devices default transition. Or, use of these values: fade, flip, curl, grow, slideUp, slideDown.
Example 1: JSON structure for a Custom URL Screen that shows the Yahoo home page. It has a right-side info-button that loads the Google home page. The right-side button uses the devices default transition when the next screen loads.
"itemNickname":"Yahoo Home Page",
"navBarTitleText":"Yahoo Home Page",
   "itemNickname":"Google Home Page",
   "navBarTitleText":"Google Home Page",
Example 2: JSON structure for a Custom URL Screen that shows the Yahoo home page. It has a right-side next-button that loads the Google home page. The next-button uses a "flip" animation. The Yahoo screen has an action-button button that triggers a Call Us function.
"itemNickname":"Yahoo Home Page",
"navBarTitleText":"Yahoo Home Page",
   "itemNickname":"Google Home Page",
   "navBarTitleText":"Google Home Page",
      "itemNickname":"Call Us",
Example 3: JSON structure for an Image Gallery that has a right side play-button that loads a screen identified by it's nickname. The This means the app's main configuration data file must include a screen with that nickname..
"itemNickname":"Image Gallery",
"navBarTitleText":"Image Gallery",
"childItems":[JSON data for Image Items goes here...],
"navBarRightButtonTapLoadScreenNickname":"My Streaming Audio Screen"